Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Managing Data

Presented in my lecture this week was the concept of Managing Date and our Digital presence.
With growing technology, growing consumption of information and availability of data, we are presenting ourselves on a number of different platforms.

As well as the idea that the number of ways to gather and present data gathered through technologies such as GPS, heart rate monitors, speed/altitude trackers and so much more. The number and quality of apps which have appeared on the web is astounding, yet with so many different platforms to collect and present data, incompatible platforms are a difficulty. While some sporting codes and teams are overflowing with data and accesses to information that they just aren't using to their full possibility, other teams don't have accesses to nearly the plethora of technologies athletes in these codes often track their own data.

Interestingly Jarrod Robinson explores using a number of different technologies being used in Physical Education class which where once reserved for elite athletes in his article "Using Elite-Level Equipment in Schools." Raising a number of different technologies and their uses in the classroom. There can be no doubt that raising the use and integration of different technologies to engage students on another level and produce relevant data to dissect directly relating to the students, is yet another amazing and inventive product of the technological boom.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Sharing and Presenting Information

HOW we share, WHAT we share and WHO we share with are all variables of astounding proportions.

The HOW can be covered in so many different ways today. While in the past students have been restricted to orals or essays, today these are mealy the beginning and websites like Prezi and  Slideshare are just two of a variety of Web 2.0 technologies which have opened doors in the way in which we ask students to present information they have gathered. Not everyone is a great public speaker, some people hate essays with a passion, a variety of presenting and sharing modes offer the ability to work to every students strengths and not inhibit anyones learning. Being flexible and open to new ideas and methods places students willing to explore and experiment with the changing technological world at a huge advantage to counterparts still forced to present in a "archaic" fashion.
I've placed archaic in "" because I don't think these presenting models are archaic, but our new plugged in generations will find them more and more so.

WHAT we share, everything. Instagram seams to be the best place for people to share what they ate, what they are wearing or anything else about their lives and other people will watch!! But if it's how to change a sparkplug, to how to make silverware shine, how to build a nine person beer bong or how to disable a car alarm, today you can find EVERYTHING on the internet. It's awesome. Get amongst it.

The WHO , well it's easier if it doesn't matter who see's the information being shared or not. By relinquishing control and being fine with anyone seeing it, a lot of issues will be avoided. Otherwise, you have to look at where you are hosting the information, if people can and will find it, privacy settings and if they are appropriate.

Awesome Sharing and Presenting already taking place, give them a look;
TED Talks
How Stuff Works
DIY Network
Teacher Tube

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Using Digital Media: Producing Resources

The internet has grown at an amazing rate and continues to grow. The socialisation, globalisation and mobile learning environment which has been created holds numerous and growing possibilities for educators and teachers. Providing a wealth of information at the fingertips of students and multiple possibilities for representing and presenting this information.
Yet while this globalisation has made the world a smaller place and enabled a whole new level of learning and collaboration, it's also opened up a whole new level of plagiarism and copyright issues. Which is discussed well and briefly here copyright and the internet. As well as this there is a whole issue of young people being venerable to deception and the darker side to the digital world, which is explored in greater, horrifying depth in places like Crime Library.

How do you balance this? How do you monitor this? And importantly how do you not stunt your students technological exploration and growth? 

There are many different situations and questions which arise, as a result of such rapid changes and variations. Who can say where the future will lead us. It's important to take into consideration your students and what will work the best for them. After taking this into consideration there are many, many different platforms which you can use and take advantage of which can be made safer for students in the form of a closed community and strong privacy settings. Educating the youth about risks and how to be safe on the internet is a important issue in classrooms today.